Specialist olives

Avoiding chemical-synthetic pesticides

Reducing chemical-synthetic pesticides in agriculture is a form of pest control that seeks to reduce or eliminate the use of synthetic chemical pesticides in favor of more sustainable methods. This can include using natural pest predators, crop rotation, and other alternatives to chemical-based pesticides. These methods are often more environmentally-friendly and can lead to a reduction in the amount of residues in the environment.

Flowering strips on arable land

Flowering strips on arable land is a form of land management where strips of flowering plants are planted alongside or within crop fields. These strips help to promote biodiversity, protect pollinators, and provide habitat and food sources for beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife. They also create an attractive visual display and help to control soil erosion.

Nutrients management plan

Nutrient management plans (NMPs) are used to help farmers efficiently meet their production objectives and protect the environment. Plans provide balanced recommendations for farmers on which nutrient sources to apply and what rates they should be applied at. Use of innovative approaches to minimise nutrient release, optimal pH for nutrient uptake, circular agriculture.

Appropriate management of farming residues

Appropriate management of farming residues involves making use of the crops and animal products left over after harvest or slaughter. Strategies for managing these residues may include composting, burning, mulching or using them as animal feed. Proper management of these residues is important to ensure that the land is properly managed, soil fertility is maintained, and the environment is protected from pollution. e.g., seeding on residues.

Rewetting wetlands/peatlands, paludiculture

Paludiculture is the productive land use of wet and rewetted peatlands that preserves the peat soil and thereby minimizes CO2 emissions and subsidence. Rewetting wetlands/peatlands, also known as paludiculture, is the practice of restoring and managing wetlands and peatlands in order to provide economic and ecological benefits. This involves rewetting peatlands that have been drained for agriculture, forestry, or other uses.

Strip cropping

Strip cropping is a method of farming that involves the alternation of close strip crops such as cotton, corn, sugar beets, soybeans, etc with small grains such as millet, wheat, or hay. It is usually employed on sloppy land and also where this method remains the only available solution to prevent erosion.

Establishing agroforestry systems

Agroforestry systems involve the intentional combination of agricultural activities and forestry practices in the same area. This type of land management is designed to increase the productivity of the land while sustaining natural resources and the environment. Agroforestry systems typically involve a mix of trees, shrubs, and crops that can provide a range of food, fuel, and other materials. Other benefits include soil conservation, improved water infiltration, and better pest control.

Interconnection of semi-natural habitats on and beyond farm area

On-farm, this can include creating corridors or strips of habitat that connect existing patches of semi-natural habitat. This can involve planting native vegetation, creating or restoring ponds and wetland areas, or creating buffer zones around existing patches of semi-natural habitat to reduce the impact of activities such as agricultural production. Beyond a farm area, semi-natural habitats can be interconnected by creating or restoring greenways or green corridors.

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  • Since: 04/23/2022 - 08:24

EU funded

Grant programme: Erasmus+ programme (KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training)

Project interval: 1 November 2021 / 31 October 2024
Project identifier: Erasmus+ 2021-1-HU01-KA220-VET-000034777

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/captivate.eu

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