The first edition of our Handbook is out!

The content of our Farmer Handbook was planned to be made available in 2 editions, 4 languages, and in various format, including online, PDF and hard copy printed, on demand. All language versions are publsihed and will stay accessible on this URL: 

At the time of posting this article, you can view the PDF version in a doc browser from this link:

Farmer Handbook (EN) PDF | Gazdálkodói Kézikönyv (HU)


This publication was prepared to serve as a guide for practitioners working in the field, including especially farmers, their advisors, as well as other extension workers and supporting experts, to help farmers navigate and make the most of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). CAPTIVATE aims to support you through the novelties and opportunities that the new CAP brings, with a special emphasis on sustainable farming practices, on how to implement them.  
We hope that the content of this handbook will also be useful  for AKIS organisations who are interested in applying partially or fully the tools and methodologies developed in our project. 

What can you find in this handbook?

First, it will assist you in adopting new sustainable agricultural practices right from the start of the new CAP. Moreover, it provides a detailed description of innovative results arising from the CAPTIVATE project (EAD tool, knowledge platform, etc.), together with the methodology behind them, followed by precise step-by-step guidelines 

Within these pages, you will find detailed information on the CAPTIVATE digital platform, including how to use its modules and content to stay informed and educated about the new CAP, with a particular emphasis on the EU’s green ambitions focused on climate and environment conservation. Step-by-step instructions will help you apply the new measures and subsidies explicitly tailored for your farm. Additionally, this Guide will provide feedback from farmers and advisors implementing the new CAP, sharing their experiences, challenges, and opportunities through success stories and recommendations.  



At the time of posting this article, you can view the PDF version in a doc browser from this link:

Farmer Handbook (EN) PDF | Gazdálkodói Kézikönyv (HU)


All language versions are publsihed and will stay accessible on this URL:

This publication was prepared to serve as a guide for practitioners working in the field, including especially farmers, their advisors, as well as other extension workers and supporting experts, to help farmers navigate and make the most of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). CAPTIVATE aims to support you through the novelties and opportunities that the new CAP brings, with a special emphasis on sustainable farming practices, on how to implement them.  
We hope that the content of this handbook will also be useful  for AKIS organisations who are interested in applying partially or fully the tools and methodologies developed in our project. 

What can you find in this handbook?

First, it will assist you in adopting new sustainable agricultural practices right from the start of the new CAP. Moreover, it provides a detailed description of innovative results arising from the CAPTIVATE project (EAD tool, knowledge platform, etc.), together with the methodology behind them, followed by precise step-by-step guidelines 

Within these pages, you will find detailed information on the CAPTIVATE digital platform, including how to use its modules and content to stay informed and educated about the new CAP, with a particular emphasis on the EU’s green ambitions focused on climate and environment conservation. Step-by-step instructions will help you apply the new measures and subsidies explicitly tailored for your farm. Additionally, this Guide will provide feedback from farmers and advisors implementing the new CAP, sharing their experiences, challenges, and opportunities through success stories and recommendations.  



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EU funded

Grant programme: Erasmus+ programme (KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training)

Project interval: 1 November 2021 / 31 October 2024
Project identifier: Erasmus+ 2021-1-HU01-KA220-VET-000034777

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Besides our own photos and open-access images, we also use Freepik sometimes, indicated in the picture title or label.

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