Primjena stajskog gnoja

Stajski gnoj predstavlja mješavinu životinjskih izmeta i biljnog materijala (stelja za životinje), a njegova kvaliteta ovisi o vrsti stoke, stelji i starosti gnojiva. Konjski i ovčji gnoj imaju više suhe tvari, više dušika, fosfora i kalija, stoga su prikladniji za teža i hladna tla, a goveđi i svinjski gnoj imaju više vode, hladniji su i kiseliji, pa se polako razgrađuju, zbog čega su prikladniji za pjeskovita tla. U ekološkoj proizvodnji na većim površinama zreli se stajski gnoj ugrađuje u tlo tijekom jesenske obrade tla.

Eco schemes

Eco schemes are one-year climate and environmental interventions within direct payments that are voluntary for the beneficiaries. 

(1) Support for Eco schemes is granted in the form of an annual payment per eligible hectare to beneficiaries who voluntarily undertake the obligation to implement agricultural practices beneficial to the climate and the environment.

Product Environmental Footprint - a standardized method for assessing the environmental impact of products intended for sale in the European Union


Companies from the food industry and all other industries that want to market their products (goods and services) as environmentally friendly within the European Union, will have to consider measuring the environmental performance of any of their products throughout its life cycle. Without an up-to-date and dependable Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) or other sustainability assessment methods, it is almost impossible to make optimal decisions for improving a product’s environmental performance.

Multiplier Event in Croatia

Another CAPTIVATE Multiplier Event was conducted yesterday in Sisak, Croatia! 

Event was organised by project partner IPS Konzalting, as part of the seminar „New EU calls in agriculture“. Focus of the seminar was introducing particpants, mainly farmers, with novelties of the new CAP 2023 - 2027 with an emphasis on EU green ambitions and connected rules and requirements for farmers.

Captivate news category

Zaštita tla od erozije

Erozija tla vodom, vjetrom i obradom može se smanjiti raznim mjerama zaštite tla. Obrada tla, prakse uzgoja biljaka, kao i praksa upravljanja zemljištem, izravno utječu na cjelokupni problem erozije tla i rješenja na poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu. Kada plodored ili promjena prakse obrade tla nisu dovoljne za kontrolu erozije, potrebni su kombinirani pristupi ili ekstremnije mjere, poput konturiranog oranja (oranje duž krivulje nagnutosti terena), sadnja u pruge ili terasiranje.

Eco scheme: Intensified diversity of agricultural land

Eco scheme Intensified diversity of agricultural land is an intervention within the framework of production-unrelated direct payments, which is paid out in the form of an additional payment to the basic income support. Crop diversity represents an extended form of green practice, which was applied only on arable land. With the aim of increasing the overall diversity of agricultural land, which provides a significant contribution to climate goals and the mosaic of the agricultural landscape and the preservation of biodiversity, the intervention is carried out on all types of agricultural lan

Cover crops

When sown correctly at the right time, in the right position within the rotation, cover crops retain nutrients, conserve water, prevent soil erosion, improve soil fertility and quality, and suppress weeds. Growing cover crops is recognized as a climate-smart agricultural practice.

Where to position and when to time cover crops in the rotation?

• Grow cover crops in the 1 st and 2 nd year after ploughing of clover-grass to avoid nitrogen losses.

• Grow nitrogen fixing cover crops on soils with low fertility.

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  • Since: 04/23/2022 - 08:24

EU funded

Grant programme: Erasmus+ programme (KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training)

Project interval: 1 November 2021 / 31 October 2024
Project identifier: Erasmus+ 2021-1-HU01-KA220-VET-000034777

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