Invitation to our closing online event

We are awaiting all interested stakeholders -  policy makers, researchers, advisors, farmers - to our final online presentation and consultation about the main outputs of our CAPTIVATE project!

Date: 21 October 2024, 9:30AM. Place: ZOOM 

Meeting link will be shared with registered participants.

Online registration:

Please join us for this morning session, if you would like to hear about our results, experiences, lessons learnt, and provide feedback, ask questions, give suggestions, in the subject of CAPTIVATE: a farmer-centered training system connecting CAP requirements with proven management practices. 


  • Project context, motivations, goals and ambitions (Katalin Szepkuthy, OMKi HU) 

  • Knowledge platform (Laszlo Papocsi, OMKi HU) 

  • EAD Tool for sustainable farms (Richard Petrasek, FiBL-AT) 

  • Learning modules (Edit Hoyk, NJE HU, Peter Vnucko, IZPI SK)  

  • Handbook for farmers (Ana-Marija Spicnagel, IPS CR) 

  • Users feedback (Judith Nagy, Farmer) 

  • Policy recommendation (Mihaly Csoto, OMKi)  

  • Discussion 



The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has a key role in supporting the European agricultural sector, managing the transition to sustainable food production systems and strengthening European farmers' efforts to contribute to the EU's strategies such as the Farm to Fork, Biodiversity Strategy and the Organic Action Plan. The aim of the CAPTIVATE (CAP Transfer of Information Via Assessment, Training & Extension) project funded by the EU in the Erasmus + program is to develop a farmer-centred assessment and training system by connecting the CAP requirements with proven, innovative, sustainable eco-management practices. The project results are therefore intended to help farmers gain a better insight into and improved understanding of agri-environment measures, conditionality and eco-schemes. For the farmers it is essential to know how such measures work, production may be influenced and what benefits (not only support) they can expect from their application. Consequently, they should really be convinced to introduce and maintain suitable methods in their production practice. 

Objective: The project aims to develop a farmer-centred assessment and training system to better connect the new CAP requirements with proven and innovative good eco-management practices, in favour of improved implementation of the various measures, increased uptake of support, improved efficiency in production and protection of the natural environment. 

Questions for the discussion: The project and its results were piloted in the project countries Hungary, Croatia and Slovakia, but have a holistic EU approach due to the CAP as a central point. This means that the findings and results can be effectively spread to other EU countries. Can tools/platforms such as those developed in CAPTIVATE help to support EU farms towards sustainable development on the one hand and to add practical value to the increased requirements for farms to record, evaluate and document their performance on the other? 

invitation card


  • Total Visitors: 180635
  • Unique Visitors: 25298
  • Since: 04/23/2022 - 08:24

EU funded

Grant programme: Erasmus+ programme (KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training)

Project interval: 1 November 2021 / 31 October 2024
Project identifier: Erasmus+ 2021-1-HU01-KA220-VET-000034777

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Project countries
