EAD Tool Guide

The third module of CAPTIVATE eLearning course includes a booklet about the Eco-farm Assessment and Decision support tool. The content of this booklet was used to publish a separate short guide accessible directly online, without the precondition of registering in the eLearning system and signing up to the course.

The URL of the Guide: 

EN version: https://cap-tivate.eu/ead/guide/en

HU version: https://cap-tivate.eu/ead/guide/hu

EAD = Eco-farm Assessment and Decision support. The tool is a digital self-assessment approach for farmers and advisors to assess ecological sustainability at farm level, consisting of sustainability indicators that provide information on the current state that can help farmers in their decision-making process.

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  • Since: 04/23/2022 - 08:24

EU funded

Grant programme: Erasmus+ programme (KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training)

Project interval: 1 November 2021 / 31 October 2024
Project identifier: Erasmus+ 2021-1-HU01-KA220-VET-000034777

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/captivate.eu

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