Project results

CAPTIVATE certificate

CAPTIVATE trainees who have completed the CAPTIVATE vocational training using the self-learning method will be awarded a certificate, which certifies that they have completed the three modules of the programme and are thus better equipped to apply and transfer knowledge on the implementation of ecological practices based on EU green policies, as well as to use the developed farm assessment tool (EAD) and the knowledge repository platform. The certificate entitles its holder to be included in the list of experts, according to procedures (to be) put in place by national partners.

EAD Tool Guide

The third module of CAPTIVATE eLearning course includes a booklet about the Eco-farm Assessment and Decision support tool. The content of this booklet was used to publish a separate short guide accessible directly online, without the precondition of registering in the eLearning system and signing up to the course.

The URL of the Guide: 

EN version:

HU version:

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Learning modules tested in Croatia

Learning modules developed as part of the CAPTIVATE e-learning platform were tested by our Croatian partners last Friday, January 5, in Sisak, Croatia.  

The pilot testing participants were agro-consultants advising farmers on different areas and segments of the new Common Agricultural Policy, and providing support when applying for various rural development interventions in their daily work.  

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Opportunity to sign up for CAPTIVATE content products and services

We have launched a new, common sign-up form where anyone interested in trying out or engaging more deeply, can select the type of product, and provide brief personal information data (contact, activity, scope of usage), which can help us to take the necessary next steps, such as setting up an account or sharing the relevant URLs. Currently the availabe options are the EAD tool - Sustainability assessment; the Knowledge Repository - Eco-Practices / CAP measures;  the eLearning Platform; the Newsletter; the Guidebook.

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Developing the EcoFarm Assessment and Decision Tool

The EcoFarm Assessment and Decision (EAD) Tool is a central part of the CAPTIVATE project which aims to connect the common agricultural policy (CAP) of the European Union with proven and innovative good eco-management practices on farms. Beside on-farm sustainability assessment, one of the tool’s main objectives is to support farmers in selecting appropriate CAP measures to meet specific farm conditions and to improve environmental sustainability performance. This will lead to better understanding and more effective implementation of CAP measures, and will have a positive impact on the environment, as more farmers will be supported to properly implement the measures.
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  • Unique Visitors: 10985
  • Since: 04/23/2022 - 08:24

EU funded

Grant programme: Erasmus+ programme (KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training)

Project interval: 1 November 2021 / 31 October 2024
Project identifier: Erasmus+ 2021-1-HU01-KA220-VET-000034777

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