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    Eco-Farm Assessment

    The project is to develop an assessment tool to collect and evaluate data of agro-ecological production and other aspects of farming.

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    From farm to fork, the CAP-TIVATE project aims to follow the process through the whole supply chain.

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    Farm demo

    Farm demonstration - field days - on farm research results presentation - are an essential part of the project to efficiently and genuinely transfer knowledge in the practical environment.

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Welcome to the CAP Transfer of Information Via Assessment, Training and Extension project website!

The main aim of the project is to develop a farmer-centred assessment and training system by connecting the EU's new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) requirements with proven, innovative, sustainable eco-management practices, in favour of better implementation of the various measures, increased uptake of support, improved efficiency in production and protection of the natural environment.  Our objective is that farmers better understand conditionality, eco-scheme and rural development regulations and their linked undertakings, they choose (supported by a farm assessment tool) and participate in the certain schemes with more responsibility and awareness, carrying out the measures more consciously and effectively.

News list

  • AgroForum article published

    Information about our CAPTIVATE project was recently published by one of the leading Hungarian agricultural journals, the AgroForum, introducing OMKi's activities related to farm advisory, mentioning our project from the 2nd page. The full content of the article is available in the paper format in Hungarian (attached).

  • Differences between organic and conventional farming

    Several trends have now emerged under the auspices of sustainable agriculture, some of which continue to use conventional tools (chemical control, artificial fertilizers), while other trends completely reject them and look for ecological solutions instead.

    Captivate news category
  • 57th Croatian and 17th International Symposium on Agriculture in Vodice

    IPS Konzalting participated on the 57th Croatian and 17th international Symposium on Agriculture in Vodice on June 21, 2022. 

    The main objective of the Symposium on Agriculture is to acquaint agronomists and the general public with the results of the latest scientific research by Croatian and foreign experts, and thus enable a better transfer of scientific achievements to agricultural production.

  • 2nd partnership meeting was held in Nitra, Slovakia

    Project partners gathered in Agroinstitut, Nitra, SK on 14 and 15 June 2022, to discuss and further develop the first main outputs, including the CAP eco practice knowledge base and sustainable eco farm assessment tool.

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  • Report on eco-farm assessment tools

    As part of activities targeting Result 2 in our project (task A: Survey of the methodological background and critical review of the existing assessments tools), we are aiming at the development of our own Eco-Farm Assessment & Decision Tool (EAD Tool). The survey, which was recently completed, gives an overview of the methodological background of selected farm assessment tools, CAP measures, farm data and information systems, implemented at the national levels.  

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  • Web-based tool for the CAPTIVATE knowledge base development

    In the first year of the project implementation, partner organizations carry out the professional preparatory, research and content development tasks, during which a detailed study and development plan is prepared for the sustainability assessment tool, as well as specific, tailor-made web application is developed to link requirements of the Common Agricultural Policy with good farming practice guidelines.

    Captivate news category
  • First project results soon to arrive

    In the first half of the implementation, the partner organizations carried out the professional preparation, research and processing tasks, a detailed study and development plan will be prepared for the sustainability assessment tool, a special web application will be developed to link requirements with practice guidelines, and the basic project implementation infrastructure will be established.
    Following the opening meeting in Budapest last December, the second partnership meeting will take place in June 2022 in Nitra, Slovakia, organized by the Agroinstitut.

  • Project information published on partners' websites

    Our partners, describing the main project related information, have created and published dedicated section for the CAPTIVATE project on their websites.  which also provide a lot of interesting and relevant professional content. 

    Agroinstitut, Slovakia: Weblink>>

  • Kick off meeting - 2/3 December 2021 Hungary

    CAPTIVATE Project Launch

    The Kick-Off meeting of the new CAPTIVATE (CAP Transfer of Information Via Assessment, Training & Extension) project, supported by the Erasmus+ programme (KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training) was held in Budapest, Hungary, hosted by ÖMKi (project coordinator), between 2-3 December 2021.



  • Total Visitors: 180635
  • Unique Visitors: 25298
  • Since: 04/23/2022 - 08:24

EU funded

Grant programme: Erasmus+ programme (KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training)

Project interval: 1 November 2021 / 31 October 2024
Project identifier: Erasmus+ 2021-1-HU01-KA220-VET-000034777

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/captivate.eu

Besides our own photos and open-access images, we also use Freepik sometimes, indicated in the picture title or label.

Project countries
